Project author: Gareth Dennis
[email protected]
Project supervisor: Dr Martin Crapper
[email protected]

This website was created to introduce the various aspects considered in the MEng Thesis of Gareth Dennis and will continue to be updated as part of the project.

Photo credits: © 2013 Gareth Dennis
unless otherwise stated

Here you will find a list of the documents and other sources referenced within this project. In the case of internet URLs, if the link is no longer functioning then please contact the author.

For a summary of the papers being studied as part of the literature review, go to the Existing Research section of the website.

As well as internally referencing sources, this website also links to relevant external websites such as Wikipedia or those of relevant organisations. These are for informational purposes only, and any material used in this website is referenced below.


British Railways Board, (1993). Permissible Track Forces for Railway Vehicles (GM/TT0088). Group Standards, Railway Technical Centre; Derby [UK].

Craig, C., (2012) The Modern Permanent Way. Available from: [Accessed 22nd October 2012]

Gordon, J.E., Jeong, D. Y., and Lyons, M. L. (2009). Fracture Mechanics Approach to Estimate Rail Wear Limits. ASME Conf. Proc. 2009, DOI:10.1115/RTDF2009-18035, 137-146.

Heritage Railway Association, (2011) About the Heritage Railway Movement. Available from: [Accessed 18th October 2012]

Jeong, D.Y., Orringer, O. and Tang, Y.H., (1998). Estimation of Rail Wear Limits Based on Rail Strength Investigations. Office of Research and Development; Washington, D.C. [USA].

King, A.G.B., (1985). Report on the Derailment that occurred on 3rd February 1983 at Elgin. Department of Transport; London [UK].

Marshall, J., (1979). The Guinness Book of Rail Facts and Feats. Guinness Publishing; London [UK].

Nilsson, R. and Olofsson, U. (2002). Surface cracks and wear of rail. IMechE Proc., Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (216), DOI: 10.1243/095440902321029208, 249-264.

Rail Accident Investigation Branch, (2012). Derailment at Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh. Department for Transport; Derby [UK].

Rail Safety and Standards Board, (2011). Track System Requirements (GC/RT5021). RSSB Ltd; London [UK].

Shu, X., Wilson, N. and Wu H., (2005). Flange Climb Derailment Criteria and Wheel/Rail Profile Management and Maintenance Guidelines for Transit Operations. Transportation Research Board; Washington, D.C. [USA].

Wilson, N. and Wu H., ‘Railway Vehicle Derailment and Prevention’ in Iwnicki, S. (ed.) et al., (2006). Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics. Taylor & Francis; [UK].